‘the trees – the forest – the trees – the forest’ published by Stanza Cannon

A short note this week for some shameless self-promotion.

Stana Cannon is a cool online zine with a twist from the usual format in that all the poems are spoken-word only. You can listen to the whole issue I’m in or just to my poem (although I recommend checking out the rest!).

It was kinda fun to record some spoken word again. Very long-time readers of this blog, a category I appreciate may include only me, may remember that I previously recorded a version of ‘Fall Back’ for Fresher Publishing. This time, I was recording by myself at home using Audacity, so it was a bit different! I did get through this one in the first take, though.

I wrote this poem ages ago for a competition where the prompt was to write about trees. I found out afterwards that most people wrote pleasant slightly twee poems about their favourite tree or whatever, rather than about, you know, the cosmos and the nature of time and life. I do this kind of thing fairly often.

I’d like to thank the people at my local Poetry Society Stanza for their suggestions to edit this poem and make it slightly less mad.

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